By Oracle of Teremi Alias Skem. ELSIE MUHANDA HAS MISMANAGED THE YOUTH AND WOMEN FUND OF KAKAMEGA AS SHE NAIVELY BLAMES PROFESSOR PHILIP MUSEVE KUTIMA FOR NOT SUPPORTING WOMEN AND YOUTH GROUPS Kakamega Woman MP ELSIE MUHANDA who has allover a certain became a lecturer of Professor PHILIP MUSEVE KUTIMA on how he should give charities to YOUTHS and WOMAN on the road to 2022 elections is a spectacular CROOKED leader who has looted the affirmative action fund of her county to death. Elsie runs the fund like her pocket change and hence she has irredeemably failed to serve well the youth and women of Kakamega. Whereas her predecessor RACHEL AMESO used to award each youth and women groups Kshs 100,000/= from the aforesaid affirmative action fund, Elsie gives only Kshs 50,000/= per ward. Besides one ANNE MALIKHU (an MCA aspirant for Idakho Central and Elsie's co wife) and herself have BUNDLED to themselves monies meant for the youths and women, and promised t...