Whilst we agree that western women leadership has been robust with women such as Julia ojiambo, the women sought to unite Mulembe Women in all their diversity and in equality. The present day woman has however moved from that, they want equity in unity and empowerment. Dr. Connie Lusweti who is the national chair Mulembe Women should let each counties to choose their leadership. This meddling in county affairs will cost her future aspirations if she still dreams of being Kakamega Women Representative in future. If her desire to have subcounty leadership choose county leadership stands, it simply means then the county leadership should inevitably choose national leadership! Dr. LUSWETI must be told unequivocally that If this is the case, it currently puts her national leadership of Mulembe Women in jeopardy given that we have zero representation of other counties in the national leadership seeing that, the chair Dr. Connie , Secretary Mrs. Chimwene and org...