KAKAMEGA County Service board has suspended former Clerk Laban Atemba on claims of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds. Eshikumo2030.blogspot.com has obtained a letter REF KKCA/CASB/SUS/LMA/1 signed by the Speaker Hon James Namathsi stating the facts of the action. The letter dated 31st March 2023 details how the clerk, as an accounting officer paid several individuals and Companies monies running into millions without proper channels. At some point in the Exclusive letter, the Speaker claims Mr. Atemba even paid himself some cash for phoney supplies. The 13-paged letter gives a blow by blow of the charge sheet as it states "That between 2020 and 2021 you made irregular payments of ksh 45,555,626 to suppliers for goods not supplied in contravention of Article 201(a) and (d) of the Kenyan constitution" The letter also accuses the clerk of making a false document contrary to section 357(a) and the penal code. "On ...