Governor Whycliffe Oparanya and his Deputy Philip Kutima meeting UNICEF officials. Photo courtesy. Story by Sammy Lutta. THE Multi million theft Machine that has seen Kakamega County loose millions of shillings in shoddy deals was relaunched yesterday by Governor H.E Wycliffe Oparanya. The governor held a consultative meeting with a team from UNICEF to discuss Imarisha Afya ya Mama na Mtoto popularly know as OparanyaCare program. Despite that an audit by the AUDITOR General paints a grim picture of the previous expenditure, the Governor appreciated UNICEF for their support that he claimed has seen improved maternal health. "OparanyaCare program is one of the projects I hold closely to my heart. I started the program to transform the lives of our people and improve on maternal health," said Governor Oparanya. He said the Program which will be relaunched in March will include economic empowerment for the beneficiaries. Like the failed One cow initiative...