KAKAMEGA SERVICE BOARD UNDER SIEGE - As fresh bid to kick it out is received by Assembly.
A Petition to remove the six members of the Kakamega Public Service Board was yesterday received by the Assembly. We can exclusively reveal. The petitioner Dennis Duncan Muhanda wants the Assembly to consider kicking out the County employment body on a myriad of violations. The resident of Mahiakalo who has lodged the Petition pursuant to the provisions of Article 38 of the constitution section 5 of the county government Act. The six individuals tagetted are Chairperson Catherine Raini Omweno, John Ambrose Wanyama, Stanly Amwayi Were, Joel Amukoko Anyera,Sylvia Itembe Otunga and Ralph Wangatia Immam who constitute the CPDB. The petition exclusively leaked to this blog avers that the law thru section 58(5)(a) confers authority on the Assembly to remove members of the CPSB from office "upon a vote on a motion supported by not less than seventy seven percent of all members. In his accusations, the petitioner accuses the six together with the forme...