
Showing posts with the label ANALYSIS


AS the 2022 general elections neared and the campaigns picked up speed, Fernandes Barasa the then CEO KETRACO became popular amongst the elite.  He was easily sold to the masses in the Kakamega villages and streets as a prudent resource mobilize and manager. On the lips of the people, he was packaged as the best replacement for the outgoing Kakamega Governor FCPA Whyclife Ambetsa Oparanya. Statements like "He has handled a huge budget at his current station of upto Ksh 50B successfully and Kakamega's Ksh17 B turn-over would be child play to manage" would fly.  TOP of the Pack: HOW independent pollsters have rated Governor Barasa.  The "Manager" brand was born, bred and sold successfully and resonated very well by its ambassadors from Likuyani to Manyala in Butere. Going head to head at the ballot against his biggest challenger Former Senator and Mahiakalo MCA Cleophas Malala,  Brand Barasa,  backed by his predecessor Oparanya ran a campai...


Amatsi khumuliango , Coined from the fact that women have been traveling long distances to fetch water in streams and rivulets, it was thought time is now for water to be available at the door step.  Water is coming out as a common denominator followed by health in ongoing engagements between the Governor, his cabinet and the people across sub counties.  From Matungu to Likuyani, the question and answer meetings, questions about "Timeliness" on Amathsi project dominate.  CECM for water, environment and Natural resources Mrs Peninnah Mukabane, his chief officer Justine Mutobera are coming out as the faces of the project.  PLEASE NOTE: Governor Fernandes Barasa and CECM Madam Peninnah Mukabane at a public function. Already, several steps have been made. According to Engineer Fred Atwa, the rural water company, based in Mumias and reactivated in February 2023, has made the following achievements so far.  1.  Getting license from Wasreb ...


HONOURABLE Handman Saya is the Kisa Central Member of County Assembly in Kakamega and the odds are smiling for him.  Despite coming from a Marjority clan in the entire Khwisero Constituency, (Omushisa,Omumaolia,Ommale), Kisa central where he represents Abamaolias are a minority. The odds are looking up and if numbers are anything to go by and he decides to upscale to MP, nothing will stop him.  Rumours are flying left right center that the Stylish MCA, smart, sociable, approachable and strategic if anything is to go by will seriously launch an onslaught to unseat Honourable Christopher Aseka.  Already, professionals in KHWISERO are warming up towards Hon Saya with meetings aimed at strategy and a clear thirst of change of guard.  Flying the Independence party KANU flag in 2022 under Azimio, the MCA was a punching bag for every contestant as he was regarded as an underdog and his sponsored party, less Azimio.  A surprise win of over 5,000 ...


Honourable Brian Lishenga is offering himself for senate as a health Ambassador because health is very close to the lives of all humans.  It is on this pedestal that he seeks to be elected as the third Senator of Kakamega County after Dr. Bonny Khalwale and honourable Cleophas Malala who is seeking governorship.  Dr. Lishenga seeks to revolutionize and change the narrative that a senator is a noiseaker, marking at the Governor, cutting deals and generally using threats to cou ty governments.  The narrative cultivated by Dr. Khalwale of bravado, chest thumping abs stomp on matters devolution is set to change when it is replaced by hope and sobriety envisaged in Dr. Lishenga.  A look at down memory lane will also assist the voter make an informed decision on August 9th on the kind of leadership in the Senate that can add real value.  The history of Dr. Lishenga's main challenger Dr. Bonny Khalwale is dotted misgivings that can not got unmentioned....

TRANSPARENT JOURNEY OF MUMIAS SUGAR. Story of Grace to Grass....... then Grace?

FACADE; The main gate of Mumias Sugar. The company collapsed due to mismanagement. ANALYSIS BY Musa Ekaya  Mumias Sugar company- MSC was supposed to be a showcase small-scale agricultural enterprise. Yet it has become the sad story of a failed scheme. Perhaps.   Dateline 1967 : The Kenyan government had decided to open up vacant land in Mumias in a land transfer program funded by the British government. It was the largest scheme by the standards of the day, with the UK giving a soft loan of £2.9 million (Sh400m). The government had approached a British foods company, Booker McConnell, to do the feasibility studies and advise on how satellite small-holder sugar plots could sustain a sugar factory in the midst of the scheme. SWEETNESS; Sugar on the shelves of shopping malls With all the planning done, Mumias Sugar Company was registered in 1971 with the government owning 71 per cent while the rest of the shareholding was taken up by Commonwealth Developme...