SAGANA 3 CONDUCTED IN KIKUYU LANGUAGE BY OUTLINING THEIR ACHIEMENTS UNDER UHURU. BUKHUNGU 2 HAD MOST SPEAKERS BEING LUO AND FEW LUHYAS WHO CURSED US AND TOLD US LEADERSHIP WILL COME FROM THE LAKE By Amunga Akhanyalabandu. I urge the Luhya NATION to study and follow what's happening at Sagana 3 and compare with our Bukhungu 2. IT IS LIVE ON INOORO TV. The president Uhuru Kenyatta has told the attendance he will conduct bussines of the meeting in Kikuyu LANGUAGE ONLY. Then he has invited the CEO of PDU a Kikuyu ofcourse to explain to Kikuyu community how UHURU govt has given them roads, water, electricity, water, jobs etc. The speaker is eloquent in Kikuyu telling us how all Mt Kenya region has benefited from UHURU and must follow and adhere to where he leads them. Kikuyu community have been reminded of jobs awarded to them because of UTHAMAKI. Yaani it is purely TRIBALISTIC. The guy shamelessly talks of jobs given to Kikuyu community in the army, police, TSC etc I mean. ...