AS the 2022 general elections neared and the campaigns picked up speed, Fernandes Barasa the then CEO KETRACO became popular amongst the elite. He was easily sold to the masses in the Kakamega villages and streets as a prudent resource mobilize and manager. On the lips of the people, he was packaged as the best replacement for the outgoing Kakamega Governor FCPA Whyclife Ambetsa Oparanya. Statements like "He has handled a huge budget at his current station of upto Ksh 50B successfully and Kakamega's Ksh17 B turn-over would be child play to manage" would fly. TOP of the Pack: HOW independent pollsters have rated Governor Barasa. The "Manager" brand was born, bred and sold successfully and resonated very well by its ambassadors from Likuyani to Manyala in Butere. Going head to head at the ballot against his biggest challenger Former Senator and Mahiakalo MCA Cleophas Malala, Brand Barasa, backed by his predecessor Oparanya ran a campai...