

KAKAMEGA Governor Fernandes Barasa over the weekend roasted a section of County Assembly members who he discribed as "wayward" and "rebellious".  Speaking in Butere when he officially released County Bursery cheque's to over 21 school heads from three wards, the county boss openly took issue with leaders.  Explaining why the release of the monew was delayed, the Governor said most of those cheque's were written long ago and had been laying at his office without being picked.  "These cheque's were written in May but some of your MCAs have different interests and have not picked them forcing my office to bring them to you " He said a mid cheers.  For instance, a cheque for Elite Girls Secondary school in Marama West ward was dated 1st of May and had not been collected for the school for three months.  Answering his critics, Governor Barasa took a swipe at inaction by some MCAs saying their interest was to open battle fronts in the ass


RETIRING Principal of little-known Sinaga Girls Secondary school in Siaya County Madam Pauline Kowidi, has hatched a plot meant to fleece parents. Kowidi under the cover of the local ACK Bishop and an unscrupulous team within her board is forcing parents to buy her land as a retirement present.  Documents seen by this blog show that the Principal, well past menapouse and set to retire this term has been deduction Ksh 2,000 from each student fir the said land.  She has also sent students home over the land money claiming it was fees balances when in real sense most parents have cleared fees.  Speaking on phone separately, three parents who did not want to be named claimed the thieving plot is being clapped for by known crooks planted on the board by the principal, her deputy, the Burser and the local Bishop.  Early Last year, parents contributed money for building of new classes but the crooked principal and her board only renovated and painted the existing classes.  "S


WHAT was foolishly expected to be an easy ride to Governorship by Kakamega Woman Representative Elsie Muhanda is turning out as an impossible task. Time is not running as fast as the WR and her backers thought it will, money is not flowing in from roads contracts she undertakes as expected. Her camp is honeycombed with no secrets, exits, back biting, backstabbing less-informed online yellers (those aren't bloggers) who don't discuss or generate ideas but focus on silly insults and an impatient inner circle. After she made up her mind to contest as Governor, Elsie Muhanda crafted a team she was not farmilier with, she promised most elected leaders heaven, cash donations and largesee.  Governor Fernandes Barasa is firmly in tune with his government something giving erstwhile opponents headache. Photo courtesy GPU The old lady is at a crossroads today, the future is uncertain, the past is already occupied she has crossed the rubbicom with nothing to show to

UN JOB SCANDAL: DIANA LISAMULA'S VICTIMS PILE. As new names of accomplices emerge.

Amb. Khamati   TWO Weeks after your favorite blog exposed a con game involving Diana Lisamula and jobseekers, more victims have appeared. Latest, she obtained 75k by false  pretence from a Government officer, pretending that she is working for UN Gigiri and was in a position to secure employment for the officer's two children. Security apparatus are looking for her to answer to a criminal charge of obtaining money by false pretence. According to informed sources, Diana who it is said is Professor Sylvester Anami's clande or small wife cheated the officer at a hotel to give her money.  Transaction messages seen by this blog show that the con artist, being housed by Ambassador Yvonne Khamati in Nairobi traveled all the way to western for her evil mission. On 20th June 2024 was the deadline for Diana Lisamula to have refunded back the 75k. She requested for 72 hrs more for a loan she had applied for at Equity Bank to have been approved, w


A   FUNERAL  in Butere has left three body guards of Kakamega Women Representative Elsie Muhanda hospitalised after youths demanded for money at the occasion. Drama ensued when Muhanda, currently eyeing to be Governor promised money to mourners at a funeral in Mulambo area of Butere Sub County. In her short speech to mourners, Hon Muhanda had assured mourners that she had money and she could use the same in her Guberbatorial bid and that they should not worry. After her speech she told mourners to line up for a token in which she started dishing out Ksh 50 per person present.  Excited women and youths who were at the occasion started chanting songs in her praise as Woman Representative as they gyrated to  isukuti .  SAFETY : Honourable Elsie Muhanda being whisked to safety in Butere when she ran out of cash at a funeral.  Soon after her speech, hell broke loose the local MP Tindi Mwale who had taken off earlier was not present to defend The Woman representative


I have studied a trend in the calculated bad publicity towards Governor Fernandes Barasa's government by  Weekly   Citizen  Newspaper (Where I worked before) and I have come to the following conclusion. The last article that purpoted of massive issues in government targeting at Finance Boss June, made me try to get to the bottom. As an investigative Journalist, these are my findings. The bad publicity is fanned and funded by the deputy Governor * Ayub savula * using his cousin the owner of the media house. Our DG, acessing information from known accountants across ministries due to his position passes it out to one * Denis Lumiti * (People Daily) who cooks it and writes under the pen name * Stive Biko * for * Weekly Citizen. * I took the initiative to swim in the wild waters I have attached a telephone recording of the DG's cousin when I called him to find out why the negative publication against HE Fernandes Baraza The DG's thru his hatchet man is scared and th


Opinion by Joel Eshikumo  I HAVE said it on this forum before and I will not be afraid to repeat that KNOWN racketeers, profiteers, sabot ours and vultures want to consume Kakamega Nominated MCA Sylvia Muteshi. The individuals have forced their noses into matters that don't concern them and as used as chips in a non existing war pitting MP Bishop Titus Khamala and "his people". Not very long ago, the President of the Kakamega Rottary Club Victoria Odundo (Mother to Bishop Khamala's one child) was allegedly involved in a spat with Honourable Muteshi. President Victoria Odundo in Kakamega court when she sought orders to privately prosecute the MCA.  One thing led to another and Odundo sued the MCA on claims of threatening her, she felt things were not being expedited in her favor as she thought Hon Muteshi was using her title to meddle.  On and on Odundo got orders to sue the Honourable MCA privately and that matter being sabjudice is pending in