By @eshikumo2030 Investigative Team WHAT MATTERS. It does not take an expert to know and see shoddy works weather funded by TAXE payers or private cash The works going on at Shibembe Primary both the four classes and the storey building are for lack of better words, expensively dangerous. The four classes being 'renovated' were built in the early 70s its not logical or enough to just remove the roof, paint and use the same timber on new iron sheets. It's illogical to save on nails by straightening the old ones and still using them on the building. NG-CDF Butere put Ksh 2Million on the account of the school for the renovation. Money was withdrawn after the PMC chairman was told by the MP to sign a cheque of 350,000 to fund Butere Primary Education day. Both the the Chairman and the Treasurer are still waiting to see the renovation Bill of Quantities for which the contractor says is still at Public Works. According to the Chairman and Treasurer PMC shibembe p...