Story by Nicholas Ambani in Kakamega OUTGOING Kakamega Woman Representative Elsie Muhanda has been named as running a conduit going round soliciting for millions of shillings from individuals eyeing ODM nomination. Eshikumo2030 is privy to text messages by the Woman Rep to potencial candidates asking for the money to be diposited in her private account. One such text seen by this blogger from the WR reads in part: "Its not me Elsie Muhanda who wants the money it is the committee overseeing the process don't get me wrong......... It is claimed when the committee presented the final list to Governor Oparanya, Elsie Muhanda went and withdrew it saying" Hakuna kazi ya bure these people must pay" The late Jamilla Anjere the Kakamega ODM Women league official who died while undergoing treatment. it is claimed she succumbed to depression after failing to raise cash for nomination. A number of those affected said on...