THE Barasa administration has done one year. With a cabinet widely rated at B+ (Plus), service delivery remained the key focus. 

Within the cabinet there are work horses as voted out by readers and public opinion and within the same cabinet there are no show individuals, joy riders. has sampled opinion and rated the people in who hands Governor Barasa's SIX point agenda lays and their delivery. The cabinet performance in the public opinion and judgement and their standing as the administration strides confidently into its second year.

In an incissive and independent analysis of the Ministers selected by the governor to push for his agenda to the people of Kakamega in as far as election pledges are concerned, public opinion has heavily voted. 

Water, Environment water and Natural resources Minister Penina Mukabane on whose shoulder delivery of Amathsi Khumuliango (water 💦 on the door steps) rests has emerged tops, a sincere work horse focused on helping the course. 

In the public eye, Honourable Mukabane, her Chief Officers Environment Justin Mutobera and Chief officer water and sanitation madam Mariam Nyongesa are a powerful tag team in the Barasa administration. 
TOURING: Honourable Mukabane on an inspection tour of water facilities shrewn from manyala to Lugari to supply clean water. Governor Barasa's pet project. 

With climate-change now a global topic, the Ministry has been rated as consisting of individuals who understand where Governor Fernandes Barasa wants this county to be in as far as distribution of natural resources among them water after ten years of governance. 

However, funding remains a challenge to the ministry as most of its activities dispite being financed by the county, remain dependent on donors and wellwishers to push most of the agenda. 

Health Minister Bernard Wesonga and his Chief Officers Dr. Alilah (medical services) and George Mukodo (public health) have strongly claimed the second position for streamlining hospitals and clinics in as far as services are concerned. 

Today, lack of medicine and essential services like Malaria tests are a thing of the past in most health facilities from Manyala in Butere to Likuyani. 
STANDING TALL: Dr. David Alila the statistician Chief Officer of health who stopped drug lords in their paths despite a smeer campaign from extortionists sent by crooks in their Ministry. 

Dr. Alila, a graduate statistician and a PHD holder-to-be has stood out as the Matiang'i in this administration. He strolls into health facilities in impromptu visits and results are devastating to those found on the wrong side. 

Dr. Alila single-handedly fought drug-stealing cartels that were held bent on crippling the gains Governor Barasa was making in his fourth month after taking over office. 

To scatter them, the soft spoken but firm Chief Officer weathered criticism from the agents of the drug lords on social media camouflaged as Radios who wanted him sacked to pave way for their evil escapades in the lucrative drug business. 

Some crooked Nurses and doctors went out of their way to sponsore a smeer campaign against the Minister and his Assistant to paint them as failures but all came to a copper, thanks to Dr. Alila :s steadfastness coupled with trust from the appointing authority. 

Minister for sports, Social Services, youth, Gender and Culture Honourable Morphat Mandela and his two Chief Officers Joseph Abucheri and Leah Khasandi scooped position three in the grid. 
Morphat Mandela. At number three, the threat of impeachment by MCAs was a small set back. 
For seamlessly running the Governor's cup in all stages without a hitch and starting the Youth Service and women empowerment program popularly known as Kazi mashinani, dispite challenges, the ministry has set the pace.

Previous ratings have put this Ministry at number two but circumstances including a threat by MCAs to impeach Hon Mandela have served in eroding the confidence some had.

As the year draws to an end, these three ministries and Ministers and their deputies remain the main focus as they come on as the fulcrum on which delivery turns and is hinged in the Governor's delivery unit. 


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