By Joel Eshikumo.
DEBATE was raging on how seven bags of supposed subsidised Fertilizer (out of tons delivered) by the county Government of Kakamega were found to have sand and pebbles in Malava.
This lazy story line was picked up by ignorant haters who have a born to pick with some leaders in government and especially the Agriculture Ministry.

An online yeller pretending to be a blogger and Probably on borrowed data and a pre-paid phone, even went on to unashamedly call for "heads to roll" Whose head? Your mother's? kichwa ya mama yako.
To gullible Malava people, this is sand and pebbles. To Agriculturalists this is the standard planting Fertilizer as constituted scientifically.
An online yeller pretending to be a blogger and Probably on borrowed data and a pre-paid phone, even went on to unashamedly call for "heads to roll" Whose head? Your mother's? kichwa ya mama yako.
To agriculture experts that Fertilizer as constituted has phosphate that in its solid form looks like pebbles.
Its laughable for a gullible media house and it's journalists to fail to take to account what constitutes planting Fertilizer and without due consideration go to town with a misleading headline screaming Fertilizer Scandal in Kakamega.
I know news is a perishable good it must be released once captured when still hot literally but to say the Malava fiasco was hot news is to miss the point.
To a common eye like that of an MCA from Malava, of all places Malava, 😂😂😂😂used to seeing Urea and DAP Fertilizer sold in tins at market places, the Fertilizer by Kakamega County had it been pebbles it could appear in Manyulia and Manyala too.
It is shamefull that leaders can shamelessly fan a debate they have no knowledge about and still get support from online brainless idlers who, like jackals love to draw blood.
The attempt to pain negative Governor Barasa and his CECM for Agriculture Honourable Andama in as far as the Fertilizer or seed is concerned has fallen flat, it has failed because a man or woman who speaks in present continuous tense from Malava wanted to gain favor.
Well, I also saw some political looser by the name Anami calling for the resignation of the Governor, to say the least that is preposterous and laughable and can only happen in the Wannabe schooler's head.
I would not discus Anami because he has never come across me as a serious man worth attention from serious writers like yours truelly.
It is my hope going forward that those who want to criticize the Bara-Savula Administration must do so within the realms of facts and fairness not bad heart or bile as seen in the Fertilizer debate.
The Governor should not be detracted he must know that elections are 4 years away and voters will judge him by delivery on his six piece Manifesto and not what idke cantankerous cheap mouths publish online or elsewhere.
Agriculture CECM must also come out and explain what is constituted in the Fertilizer to make it look like sand to Malava people.
The views expressed in this article are those of the writer and not necessarily those of
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