THERE was confusion in the public domain when Kakamega County distanced itself from a man who has for long posed as its employee in the Nairobi Office.
In a letter signed by the no nonsense County Secretary who is head of Public Service Board Dr. Boniface Okoth the county says rubisjes efforts by Mr. Fred Muka to hold an Expo using its name. 

"The county Government of Kakamega has not planned for such an event, you are not an employee of this government and therefore lack the legitimacy to sign any external communication using the county letter head without authority" Read the letter. 

It goes on to aver :"The county government further reiterates its demand that you immediately cease from using the County's name, logo and symbol in all media or discussions with partners and  pulicity campaigns from now henceforth" 

The letter copied to the County Governor Honourable Fernandes Barasa and his Deputy Ayub Savula has not come as a surprise following several whispers after the county readvertised the position of n days after failing to get a suitable candidate. 

A write up forwarded to eshikumo2030 anonymously paints as such: Fred Muka is a master of his own problems.

Governor Fernandes Barasa has really protected him and assured him of a job but now he has placed the governor and the county government at a very difficult position.

The liaison position was re -advertised, interviews are yet to be concluded, how then can a person who applied for the very position, and waiting to be interviewed and awarded letter purport to be a county employee, use the county logo etc.

Liason office is in the office of the county Secretary, Constitutionally,the county secretary is the boss to all liaison officers and therefore chief liason between the county government and the rest of the world and also the county secretary is the custodian of all the instruments of power,be it a seal etc.Thats why Dr.Okoth has been forced to issue a public letter on the position of the government.

Fred Muka decided to use the county logo to invite partners to his private event. He never involved the ministry of education or any other relevant department,using the liaison officer as a bargaining chip.

He gave the partners an option of depositing money in his private company account at SBM bank. Most partners deposited money in this account thinking it was a Kakamega county account only to discover later that it is a private account.

Such schemes taints the governor's and the county's name in matters collaboration between them and other corporate worlds.

Very unfortunate,even if he was already confirmed as a county employee,this is not how you conduct your business, government has protocol and channels to use to organise for an event.
Fred Muka poses for a photograph with the county CEC for Education Mr. Geoffrey Owuor. Questions abound whose backing the bogus ghost worker had. Photo courtesy 
Speaking to this blog, a highly placed source said the Government will start invesgations into all those cou ty officials including CECs and Co's who had visited while they knew he was not a county employee. 


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